It's been a very roller coaster type of year around here.
JanuaryI began my quest to get my name changed by looking up costs and getting the paperwork together. I still worked at the Labs and had three roommates. Lynn was coming up every other weekend to spend time with me and it was very nice to have a friend to turn to and help out around the
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Not too bad for having other things to do, on the plus side both cars are now clean and all the Halloween decorations have been put away. I suspect I'll do better on Monday. It's time to head for bed now though.
Admin: Welcome to agirlnamedluna, another wonderful writer who found me through therealljidol. There's no hidden secrets here so feel free to look around as you like.
Voting: Polls are up for this weeks voting in LJ Idol. The topic this week was open and I wrote about my lack of regrets. I'm still in Tribe 4. If you enjoyed my entry please stop by and drop me a vote. If you
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therealljidol: Speaking of the great contest, polls are up for this weeks voting. The topic this week was an open topic and I wrote about my lack of regrets. I'm still in Tribe 4. If you enjoyed my entry please stop by and drop me a vote. If you have more than one
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